b i o t e c h n o l o g i s t.
As a woman with a mission to change the way we fundamentally practice medicine, I believe that we have the technology necessary to understand our health in a way that has never previously been possible.
My background is in deep-tech and bioengineering, and my experience lies at the intersection of industry and research, focusing on tech, health and security. At AstraZeneca, I led an award winning technology for early detection systems in drug testing. Later, Microsoft Inc. offered me opportunities in translating technology, where we exported innovative tools, from hackathons into start-ups. I hold a MSc in Bioinformatics & Theoretical Systems Biology from Imperial College London, as well as a MRes in Security & Crime Science from the University College London (UCL). At UCL, I conducted research in Bio-crime, the Internet-of-Ingestible-Things, and Cyber-biosecurity as part of my PhD (2022), and I was shortlisted as Greek International Woman of the year under Science and Technology (2021).
TEDx UCL Speaker 2023
Theme: Vision
I was invited to speak at the University College London (UCL) TEDx event focused on exploring future visions in health, technology, and art. I spoke about The future of biotechnology crime: Are we prepared for it? highlighting the significance of biotechnology design and its implications in health, security and consumer adoption.
Greek International Woman Award 2021
Science and Technology
I was nominated and shortlisted under the Science & Technology category of the Greek International Women Awards (GIWA) among 169 Greek women around 13 countries worldwide. Her Excellency, the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou gave the opening address.
I #sharedmystory" on Infowoman.gr
30 Visionaries to Watch in Biotech in 2021
DataBird Business Journal
In this article, the DataBird Business Journal highlights entrepreneurs and innovators who represent some of the brightest minds in the biotech space. Included are founders and CEOs of small, mid-sized, and large companies.
Linda Eteen Memorial Prize 2015
Rapid Screening of Teratogens
I was awarded for the work I conducted at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals during my placement within the R&D Drug Development & Toxicology department. I led a research project that built an early detection system within the drug development pipeline, making it more time-efficient and cost-effective. We did this by bridging the gap between the in vitro cell-based models and in vivo mammalian models of drug safety using Zebrafish as a model organism. Genetic expression of selected genes and key pathways implicated in zebrafish bone development can therefore be additional indicators of teratogenic compounds sited earlier in the drug development pipeline.
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